

Pitch to 750,000 viewers

Premise / Gruen (Australia's second most-watched TV show) challenges two advertising agencies to 'sell' opposing views on controversial topics. Our agency was tasked with convincing all Australians to embrace Halloween.

Insight / Australians don't relate to Halloween because they believe it is un-Australian.

Get-to-by brief / Get all Australians who believe Halloween is un-Australian to relate and embrace the festivities by showing them that Halloween is an easy-going and inclusive day celebrating our Australian culture.

You can also read my behind-the-scenes write-up here.


30-40" TVC

My role:

On-air presenter / Co-Director / Co-Scriptwriter / Co-Set+Costume+End-frame Designer


Synergy Group — creativeXpeople

Creative Collaborators:

Too much talent to mention here. Full credit list can be found in BTS article linked above.

“I just want to say that the production values… were just absolutely fantastic. Fantastic storytelling, single camera shot, lots of great casting, beautifully timed.”

RUSSEL HOWCROFT Chief Creative Officer, PWC

"... shortening it [to Hallos] was brilliant."

CAROLYN MILLER Managing Director, The Honeycomb Effect